Merry Christmas. Happy New Year, and what on Earth are the ‘Americans’ thinking?
I will tell you what -at least from the perspective of this citizen of the United States of North America.
The tragedy of the Obama presidency and the Obama era U.S. Department of State is that Obama believed himself a supreme and exceptional god among mere mortals. He believed that the majority of the U.S. populace agreed with his supreme deity and that we hoped to be, one day, almost as amazing as our president (whom I never voted for).
Obama’s arrogance manifested itself in many ways: the destruction of Libya (with the Clinton era Department of State), drone warfare in Yemen, obliteration of US~Russia relations, a second western-orchestrated regime change in Ukraine, illegal implementation of Obama Care, being above the requirement of U.S. birth for presidential qualification, and etc.
Obama’s successor of choice, Hillary, of the Yugoslavia-destroying Clinton family, was to carry forward this arrogance and self-delusion. Yet, during her presidential campaign of 2016, she discovered that a substantial number of US citizens were not only unwilling to share in the Obama/Clinton arrogance but that they were violently opposed to it and greatly disturbed by the trail of death it caused around the world.
The citizens were first called deplorables in New York.
The tragedy of the Obama presidency and the Obama era U.S. Department of State is that Obama believed himself a supreme and exceptional god among mere mortals. He believed that the majority of the U.S. populace agreed with his supreme deity and that we hoped to be, one day, almost as amazing as our president (whom I never voted for).
Obama’s arrogance manifested itself in many ways: the destruction of Libya (with the Clinton era Department of State), drone warfare in Yemen, obliteration of US~Russia relations, a second western-orchestrated regime change in Ukraine, illegal implementation of Obama Care, being above the requirement of U.S. birth for presidential qualification, and etc.
Obama’s successor of choice, Hillary, of the Yugoslavia-destroying Clinton family, was to carry forward this arrogance and self-delusion. Yet, during her presidential campaign of 2016, she discovered that a substantial number of US citizens were not only unwilling to share in the Obama/Clinton arrogance but that they were violently opposed to it and greatly disturbed by the trail of death it caused around the world.
The citizens were first called deplorables in New York.
So, US citizens, including myself, with the help of the Electoral College, chose a different president, Donald Trump who, unlike Hillary, did not promise war with Iran and who, unlike Obama who could not destroy relations with Russia fast enough, put into the mind of the nation the idea of normalized US~Russia relations. Ending the blazing of a trail of western-backed destruction in Syria was also in the forefront of the minds of US citizens who voted for Trump.
Sadly, Trump has not delivered. His current presidential term will be his last. He will depart the office of president as one who thought to change the system but who ended up becoming assimilated by it. There are those who long for the days of Obama, who fail to remember how humanity suffered under him -remembering only a god who’s speech was so smooth that a man would be convinced to give up his manhood and become his wife.
Instead of ending support of the US-backed and State Department orchestrated fascist junta in Kiev, support has increased.
Nazi fascists, a plague whom our forefathers fought against, are now the dearest bedfellows of the Washington Establishment to the great humiliation and frustration of the general populace of the United States.
Instead of ending the illegal U.S. occupation of Syria, new bases and outposts continue to be constructed. Trump’s foolhardy attempt to appease anti-humanists running the U.S. government by launching cruise missile strikes against Syria not only made Trump into an immediate war criminal, it emboldened the anti-humanists to become more entrenched in the criminal endeavor of regime change and partitioning of Syria.
Another great tragedy of the Trump presidency is that he incorrectly assumed that U.S. citizens would wholeheartedly embrace his support of the apartheid Israeli regime’s genocide of Palestinians. His assumption was incorrect.
Nazi fascists, a plague whom our forefathers fought against, are now the dearest bedfellows of the Washington Establishment to the great humiliation and frustration of the general populace of the United States.
Instead of ending the illegal U.S. occupation of Syria, new bases and outposts continue to be constructed. Trump’s foolhardy attempt to appease anti-humanists running the U.S. government by launching cruise missile strikes against Syria not only made Trump into an immediate war criminal, it emboldened the anti-humanists to become more entrenched in the criminal endeavor of regime change and partitioning of Syria.
Another great tragedy of the Trump presidency is that he incorrectly assumed that U.S. citizens would wholeheartedly embrace his support of the apartheid Israeli regime’s genocide of Palestinians. His assumption was incorrect.
Where are we today?
Today we are a nation that was given the chance to right many wrongs, a nation which had the opportunity to humble itself of it’s own accord, a nation which had the chance to embrace a multi-polar world order and to gracefully exit the destructive uni-polar paradigm. At each opportunity, not only did we refuse it, we ran in the opposite direction -committing more wrongs, becoming more arrogant and belligerent about empire.
Only one thing is left for us… humility.
Since we failed to humble ourselves, humility will come from elsewhere and will be utterly complete.
Only one thing is left for us… humility.
Since we failed to humble ourselves, humility will come from elsewhere and will be utterly complete.
The only appropriate end of western meddling in Syria is one of complete humiliation and disgrace. The only appropriate end to Obama’s destructive and murderous Ukrainian frolic is one of complete failure, one where the good-hearted Ukrainians embrace their Russian family and make amends for betraying their nation to the West.
When I first wanted to vote, I wanted Ronald Reagan to be the next president after Jimmy Carter but I was too young to vote.
When Reagan became president, he worked with Gorbachev of the USSR, not to win, but to end the cold war. He continued to advance humanity through space exploration. I was a proud and inspired ‘American’ at that time and joined the military at the earliest opportunity, working as a surgical scrub technician, retention NCO, and later as a communications and computer systems operator at the start of the dot com era.
Then Bush Sr. happened who launched an illegal and deceptive aggression against Iraq. I was sent to Berlin Germany during that time as a reservist.
Clinton happened and Yugoslavia was destroyed. Haiti was raped.
Bush Jr. happened and another illegal incursion into Iraq. The police state was ushered in with 9/11 being the justification followed by the War on Terror (i.e. a war of terror), the Patriot Act, TSA, Homeland Security, and the Michael Saakashvili aggression against civilians in Georgia.
Next came the change: Obama -only nothing changed.
Trump happened an and things should’ve changed but they only got worse -starting with Nikki Haley.
My nation today is not one I am proud of. It is one which has been co-opted by anti-humanists who have made it into a nation to be loathed, a disgrace, a blight against humanity, a nation which destroys humanity rather than building it up, a nation which values military profiteering over education of its young people, over maintenance and improvement of infrastructure, over health care, of medical profiteering over healing -a very non-Christian nation, a nation who’s Christianity is worthless.
To Humanity:
I hope you survive U.S. and survive us well.
You are the only saving grace to being human at this time.
You are beautiful and what you are doing is truly amazing.
There is such a strong longing to share with you in the push towards the next phase of humanity.
You can do it. You will do it… with or without U.S.
When I first wanted to vote, I wanted Ronald Reagan to be the next president after Jimmy Carter but I was too young to vote.
When Reagan became president, he worked with Gorbachev of the USSR, not to win, but to end the cold war. He continued to advance humanity through space exploration. I was a proud and inspired ‘American’ at that time and joined the military at the earliest opportunity, working as a surgical scrub technician, retention NCO, and later as a communications and computer systems operator at the start of the dot com era.
Then Bush Sr. happened who launched an illegal and deceptive aggression against Iraq. I was sent to Berlin Germany during that time as a reservist.
Clinton happened and Yugoslavia was destroyed. Haiti was raped.
Bush Jr. happened and another illegal incursion into Iraq. The police state was ushered in with 9/11 being the justification followed by the War on Terror (i.e. a war of terror), the Patriot Act, TSA, Homeland Security, and the Michael Saakashvili aggression against civilians in Georgia.
Next came the change: Obama -only nothing changed.
Trump happened an and things should’ve changed but they only got worse -starting with Nikki Haley.
My nation today is not one I am proud of. It is one which has been co-opted by anti-humanists who have made it into a nation to be loathed, a disgrace, a blight against humanity, a nation which destroys humanity rather than building it up, a nation which values military profiteering over education of its young people, over maintenance and improvement of infrastructure, over health care, of medical profiteering over healing -a very non-Christian nation, a nation who’s Christianity is worthless.
To Humanity:
I hope you survive U.S. and survive us well.
You are the only saving grace to being human at this time.
You are beautiful and what you are doing is truly amazing.
There is such a strong longing to share with you in the push towards the next phase of humanity.
You can do it. You will do it… with or without U.S.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
Thank you for being here.